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March 05, 2007

Thanks for creating this site - it is very interesting to see the "immaculate rebirths" and the "bangem if you gottem" style of Jeep lovers out there.

Attached are two shots of my 1985 Jeep CJ which I picked up in Alabama ten years ago on its last leg. Since then I've driven it cross country over the years as the Army moved me: Alabama - Houston - Kansas - South Carolina - Rhode Island - back to Florida - now to San Antonio.

The photos: starting at my uncle's place in Live Oak Florida with my son our our cross country trip. (my uncle kept the Jeep while I served in Germany/Iraq). The second photo celebrates crossing into Texas after 14 hours on I-10. We finished the journey 1,007 miles later and I subsequently honored my son's achievement with "THE IRON BUTT AWARD" for enduring a summer's day cross country trek. Thanks to the many Quadratec parts that made it possible.

It's a Jeep Thing: Back in the summer of 1988 I borrowed a friend's '76 CJ for three weeks. During that "no cell phone" period it was much more common for a Jeep driver to wave to another driver when passing by. In fact, it seemed to happen EVERY time. During my cross country trek with my son I taugh him Jeep legend and lore - including the requirement to wave to all Jeeps as they pass by. Well, with air conditioning and cell phones drivers just are paying as much attention to this "jeep thing" as they did back in '88. As for me and my son, we will continually wave!
