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Brian K.
Do these work on the Rubicon wheels?
Yes, they are compatible with all trim level JL and JT wheels. Thanks for your inquiry.
Brian K.
Do these have the spinning outer sleeve (to prevent using a 12-pt socket on the lock to remove it)?
No. It is torqued on via the adapter with a standard equipped lug wrench. Thanks for your inquiry.
Mark F.
Does the key use a 22mm socket like the factory lugs, or do you need to carry a 2nd size socket?
Yes, the key will use the OE socket wrench included with your Jeep. Thanks for your inquiry.
Shawn M.
Your video review states “order a spare key when you register”. Your Q&A states no spare keys.
Which is correct?
Spare keys are not available for general purchase but are dealt with through the dealership and registry process.
Thomas P.
How do you order a replacement key for the set?
Replacement keys are usually not available for this style of wheel lock. If they are available you would have to inquire at a dealership. Usually when a key is lost there are extraction measures that can remove the lock so you can purchase a new set of locks with key.
Nicholas C.
Are these acorn style that will work with after market wheels?
These are not considered Acorn due to the design, but they are the same tapered seat and diameter that aftermarket rims use.
Edward C.
Does this stick out on a JL Wrangler? I got the Mcgard 24515 and they are quite a bit longer than the OEM lugs so they stick out a bit.
Yes in most cases the these locks will present about 1/4" over the face of the wheel.