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Maude M.
How many per order?
This screw is sold individually. Thanks for your inquiry.
John D.
Does this come with the nut ?
No, it does not need one. The threads are in the brass insert pressed in the knuckle
Tim B.
I purchased these for my 18 jk 4 door. They are too small to work. Is there another size?
For the 13-18 with spring assist, you will need 06508913AA for attaching the mechanism to the brackets and 6503259 to attach the bracket to the sport cage
Luke N.
Is this the correct screw to attach the bow bracket to the roll bar?
No this is the screw that attaches the bow to the bow bracket, it has the smooth section for the bracket to rotate on. For the screw to attach the bracket the to roll bar Click Here!
Stan B.
Are these used to connect the bow to the knuckles ? If not what screws are used to do so ? I'm missing the four screws needed to hold the bow to the knuckles .
Attaching the bows to the knuckles is a standard tapping screw that Jeep does not service on its own (They are only supplied with the knuckle kit #68003651AA). You can find a small tapping screw at a local hardware store
Stan B.
Do these attach the bow to the knuckle ?
These screws go through the knuckles to attach to the bracket on the sport bar.
Jeff P.
Are these used to mount the brackets to the soft top?
Yes, this attaches the soft top bow to the bow bracket.