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Elias A.
Is there a replacement handle/lock assembly?
Yes, please call customer service at 1-800-745-5337 for assistance with the order. You'll need part number HDWARE-057.
Sean D.
does this product work with the back seat up or down.
This can be used with the back seat either up or down in a JKU/JLU (4-door). For a JK/JL (2-door), the rear seats will have to be folded down. Thank you for your inquiry.
Chris C.
Where can you get a replacement key for the hidden storage? Mine broke off in the lock.
Please get in touch with customer service at 1-800-745-5337 for assistance with placing an order. You'll need part HDWARE-056.
Robb K.
How wide is the drawer face? I have an off road trailer and the tailgate
opening is 32"
33.5" Thanks for your inquiry.
Marcos R.
For a 4xe, is there a version of this that is smaller, matching the height of the back seats when they are folded down?
Trying to have a drawer while creating a flat trunk surface, mimicking the non-hybrid 4-door wrangler.
No, sorry we do not have a variation of size in this box. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Thanks for your inquiry.
Derek A.
This unit is approximately 105lbs. Thank you for the question.
Dan F.
What is the steel gauge? Is there a rating for how much load it can support on top?
16 gauge. Approximately 75 lbs. of gear. Thanks for your inquiry.
Wade G.
Will this unit require removing the back seats in a 2 door or 4 door JK?
2-door models would require the rear seat to be removed for installation. Thanks for your inquiry.
John W.
What is the drawer weight limit for contents in lbs?
Approximately 300 lbs. Thanks for your inquiry.
Renee D.
Will this work with the subwoofer I have in the back
Yes, but your sound performance may be muffled some. Thanks for your inquiry.