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Stephen B.
I would love to use this to power an after market head unit, but I pulled out my cigarette lighter last year to replace it with a USB plug. The original plug for the cigarette lighter is still in there - if I plug into it, will it still provide power, or would I need the actual cigarette lighter back?
As long as the 12 volt socket connection behind the dash panel has not been removed or altered the adapter should be compatible. Thanks for your inquiry.
Greyla R.
Can this be used to connect a dash cam? 2015 JK
Yes it can. Thanks for your inquiry.
Scott T.
Hello, what is that brown wire used for?
It is a ground wire. Thanks for your inquiry.
Mike P.
Can this harness be used to power both the driver and passenger side aftermarket heated seats?
Yes, it can be used for 1 heated seat....but not 2. The maximum continuous power draw is approx 7 amps. That allows for one seat to use. ( each seat draws 6 amps )
You could run 2 seats using the power tap but you would have to use the power tap to trigger a relay that would go on and off with the key. The relay would connect both power seats directly to the battery where you could put a 15 amp fuse which would handle both seats. Thanks for your inquiry.
Elias V.
Can this be doubled-up in a chain? I just installed on an have a great USB port installed just like the directions state. With the gray connector left with nothing on it, can I add a second one of these there to get a second one installed somewhere else? Wonder if adding one as a chain causes problems like at home where you should't plug in too many things to the extension cord.
You could daisy chain them but you can power more than one item from one power tap...as long as you don't exceed 7.5 amps continuous draw
Paul G.
What gauge wire is going to the screw on connection? I'm running a 12 gauge power and ground wire for an item that has a 7.5 amp fuse. I will eliminate the 7.5 amp fuse because your item has a 10amp.
We use 14 gauge wire for this harness
Stephen E.
Will this fit a 2006 Wrangler Sport?
The part you are looking for is here
Bryan W.
How many accessories can this run at the same time? Can it run your stealth bar and a cb at the same time?
This can run two accessories at once as long as the total current draw is under 10 amps.
Sean B.
How do i attach the connections for the accessories ? Do i just screw the stripped end in the connector ?
Yes, that is correct.