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Chris L.
Will these fit the 2024?
No, they will not. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Troy T.
if you have the JLUR with the premium sound system, are these speakers still an upgrade?
Yes, they are an upgrade for both factory available audio systems. Premium and the standard sound. Thanks for your inquiry.
Bryan T.
Are these compatible with the JT Alpine audio system?
Yes, the JL Tweeters sound just as good if you have the premium sound system. The difference in the premium sound system is that it has an additional amplifier. These tweeters can handle that no problem. They are rated for 100 watts peak. Thanks for your inquiry.
Garo N.
Are these tweeters weatherproof? The stock system is advertised to be weatherproof.
No these are not weatherproof. I do not carry "marine" grade tweeters