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Jodi P.
Just bought a Besttop supertop ultra soft top, will this bag store the 3 back windows? If not, is there another one that will?
Yes this will fit the Ultra windows.
Pierre G.
I have a Rubicon 2020 4 doors with a Alpine subwoofer
Will it fit ?
Yes this will fit
Kyle C.
Does this fit with the factory subwoofer?
Yes it does
Mark M.
Is there a storage case like this for the 2 door JL?
Short answer no. But, the windows from a 2-door fit in this bag. The reason Jeep and anyone who sells this list it for 4-door is the inability to store the windows-in-bag in the rear of the 2-door Jeep. There simply is not enough space in the cargo area without jamming it in place.
Michael M.
Does this fit the gladiator rear window?
The window is larger on the Gladiator. You can find the proper window storage bag for the Gladiator here : https://www.quadratec.com/p/mopar/window-storage-bag-gladiator-jt
Gerry G.
does the bar stay in the back window when using this bag?
There is room in the Mopar storage bag for the tailgate bar to remain on the rear window. The only concern is the possibility for damage to the windows or storage bag.
Julia C.
Will this fit trektop windows?
Please see 91109.1505 for the Bestop Trektop NX window storage bag. That is a guaranteed fit. And less expensive.
Greg H.
Does this also fit the windows for the 2 Door JL or only the 4 door?
No, this is for the 4-door only.
Is this for the side windows only, or also for the rear?
This fits all three windows.
Peter V.
Does this also work for the 2-door soft top?
Yes, this is okay for 2-door and 4-door models. Thanks for your inquiry.